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I know one(Ramakrishna) whom the world used to call mad,

I know one(Ramakrishna) whom the world used to call mad,

SRI Ramakrishna
SRI Ramakrishna

I know one(Ramakrishna) whom the world used to call mad,

"I know one(Ramakrishna) whom the world used to call mad, and this was his (Ramakrishna's)answer:''
my friends, the whole world is a lunatic asylum. 
Some are mad after worldly love, some after the name, some after fame, some after money, some after salvation and going to heaven.
 In this lunatic asylum, I am also mad, I am mad after God.
 In the event that you are distraught after cash, I am frantic after God. 
You are frantic; so am I. 
I think my frenzy is after all the best.
''His standard was; first frame character, first procure otherworldliness, and results will happen to themselves. 
His most loved outline was:
''when the lotus opens, the honey bees happen to their own understanding to look for the honey.'.."

"भगवान श्रीरामकृष्ण देव की जय..
जय जय स्वामीजी महाराज की जय...."

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